Is the Kids ISIQ Test free?
The Kids ISIQ Test not free and is a paid exam requiring a small fee to view the score and results for each test taken. Our company does not advertise anywhere that the Kids IQ Test or Kids ISIQ Test is a free test. We do, however, offer a free adult IQ test which is a separate product line from our Kids ISIQ Test.
Please review the purchase information at the bottom of the first page page:
It clearly states in a bold font up-front that the fee is $19.97.
Also, please refer to the Kids IQ Test marketing page:
That also clearly states that you shouldn't complete the entire test unless you wish to pay the $19.97 service fee. Both of these pages are visited before the test is taken and both clearly state up-front that there will be a fee for the test.
If you were not required to visit this page before you took the test, please let us know how you got to our website... for example, what internet searches you made, what search engine you used, what website you visited that had a link to our website, etc. That information will help us greatly in preventing a misinterpretation for future customers and will also help us review and criticize the advertisements our partners create.
To return to your Kids ISIQ Test, please click on "My Results" and select the test you wish to return to.
We hope you find the test useful and informative and understand its benefits and value. Thank you very much for your interest in the test!