1. A good manager will accomplish more by spending two hours at his desk than talking for two hours with subordinates.
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Business Management Aptitude Test Description

When you are looking for new career choices, a career aptitude test can help you discover what your strengths are - in this way, you can start to look for job based on your free career aptitude test results. You can choose a field that you will like, be good at, and add something to the betterment of your community. We offer a free career test as well as a more in-depth test. In addition to the career testing that we offer you, we also have a personality assessment test that will help you gain some insight as to how your personality type may fit in at the workplace.

Discover if you have the "Right Stuff" for a career in management: The Business Management Aptitude Test is an Internet based skill assessment developed to assist in identifying key points relating to work behavior and motivation, and indicate possibilities for self-development. The information provided by a business personality test can also be helpful in deciding your future career direction.

Managers! Assess your employees to uncover the "diamonds in the rough" and confirm your instincts. * Using our Free Personality Test you can chart progress of teams and individuals * Identify areas where training is needed * Compare your people to others in your industry * Contact us today for your special code to receive instructions and how to access the summary report for your work force.